Tuesday, August 5, 2008

44_hopper // character development

44 _ hopper - hopper's structure

21:54:13 - nothing is coming to mind, life's a blur at the moment, particularly hopper.... what is this... is it fictional... diagramatic... phylosophical... again, life's a blur

21:57:29 - "... one destined for a definite programmatic life, but now a luxurious experience." "UNKNOWN" "monstrous beast" "effect"

22:01:57 - hop.per \ 'hap-er\ n (13c) 1 a: one that hops b: a leaping insect; specif : an immature hopping form of an insect 2 [fr. the shaking motion of hoppers used to feed grain into a mill] a: a usu. funnel-shaped receptacle for delivering material (as grain or coal); also : any of various other receptacles for the temporary storage of material b: a freight car with a floor sloping to one or more hinged doors for discharging bulk materials -- called also hopper car c: a box in which a bill to be considered by a legislative body is dropped d: a tank holding liquid and having a device for releasing its contents through a pipe.

when taking into account the obvious outlook at the word/character of hopper and it's structure, one can look no further than the dictionary.... structurally, hopper has a potential...
a: the anatomic structure of a leaping insect....
b: the mechanical/motional structure of a mills hopper, funnel shaped receptacle....
c: the engineerical structure of discharging hinges, releasing devices, etc....

22:19:08 - step 1 : forget the book "berlin night", and strictly focus on hopper as a word/character

from the obvious interpretation of hoppers structure the mechanical/anatomical/motional/engineerical possibilities are chaotic and endless... a mutation, a monstrous beast, the unknown.... will be manipulated into something beautiful.....

22:31:43 - hopper, is a genetically modified species moulded from the forms mechanical/anatomical/motional/engineerical objects identified above... he is the only one of his kind, nocturnus of night, solitary confinement is no stranger... myth is most oftened defined of hopper, those who knew are no longer, what happened is still mysteriously undertermined....

arvid löfgren, is an 87 year old swedish war veteran.... he lasted only 3 days, in which he lost 1 arm and 1 leg in a german bombardment on his platoon. He was returned from his service to his hometown of Kiruna where he opted for a scientific breakthrough surgery replacing his limbs with mechanical parts from old 1927 series 1 volvo trucks. after many complications with his new mechanically engineered limbs, arvid fell insomiac, depressed and with a severe case of agoraphobia.

many years passed, arvid's condition only got worst, manic depression often leading to suicidal outbreaks, insomnia so severe days passed where sleep was non-existent.... arvid was going crazy. his fear

december 13 to january 5 are the days arvid looks forward to the most, polar night.... these are the only days he would leave his solitary confinement of his lodgement... he would only leave for one specific reason, to feast!

from 1952 to 1998, an average of 8 people per year were declared missing between december 13th and january 5th... to this day, these misterious dissapearance are still unsolved and arvid löfgren is still an unknown....


Blogger sean said...

olivier, what you've done is fine - you could also look at the american painter edward hopper (look him up in wikipedia)

August 6, 2008 at 5:42 PM  

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