Sunday, August 10, 2008

character [re]development

arvid löfgren, an 87 year old swedish war veteran.... he lasted only 3 days, in which he lost 1 arm and 1 leg in a german bombardment on his platoon. He was returned from his service to his hometown of Kiruna where he opted for a scientific breakthrough surgery where his limbs would be replaced with mechanical prosthetics. after many complications with his new mechanically engineered limbs, especially with social alienation, arvid fell insomiac, depressed and with a severe case of agoraphobia.

many years passed, arvid's condition only got worst. his recognition has a war veteran was forgotten, his friends and family didn't want to be associated with a so called 'freak'. arvid's manic depression often leading him to suicidal outbreaks, insomnia so severe days passed where sleep was non-existent.... arvid was going crazy. his agoraphobic tendencies eventually led him to solitary confinement where he prisoned himself in his small encapsulated cottage.

december 13 to january 5 are the days arvid looks forward to the most, polar night.... these are the only days he would leave his solitary confinement of his lodgement... eternal darkness was his best and only friend. arvid would leave his cottage during the quiet times of the day and stalk unsuspected victims. from 1952 to 1998, an average of 8 people per year were declared missing during the polar night season. to this day, these misterious dissapearance are still unsolved and arvid löfgren is still an unknown....


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